“Hello my little grandbaby! Grandpa loves you! Oh, won’t you come out to say hello?” As usual Charles was talking and cooing at his eldest daughter’s tummy. He couldn’t believe she was already 9 months pregnant.
“Dad, do you think…do you think I’m going to be a good mom?”
“Maddie, why would you ask that? Have you forgotten that you practically raised Bent and Aubree when your mother and I went…”
“Yea I know,” Madison said, stopping her dad from reliving a past she didn’t want to remember. “I’m just scared that I won’t know what to do when it cries or gets sick?”
Charles held his daughter’s hand, “Mad, you do exactly what me and your mother did…you freak out and then call your parents. We’ll always be here for you.” He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “Anyways don’t you have your final appointment today before the baby is born?”
“Yea, it’s in a couple hours, but I’m going to meet with Shellie Adkins first.”
“Well baby that’s great! I’m sure you two will have a lot to talk about. Since you can’t drive anymore, I’ll have the driver take you wherever you need to go.”
Shortly after Madison was with Shellie Adkins, another one of Victor’s victims, at a local bistro.
“Aren’t you that famous guy’s daughter? The magician guy?” Shellie said, her electric yellow eyes almost piercing through Madison.
“Yea, Charles Mason is my father,” she chuckled. “I’m surprised you know about him!”
It was Shellie’s turn to chuckle, “I’ve seen a couple of his late night shows. He’s pretty decent..and cute”
Madison blushed, “Late night shows? How were you able to sneak out to see them?!? I wasn’t even allowed to see them!”
Shellie thought hard before speaking, “Look Madison, there’s something you should know about me. I’m a…I’m actually a….a vampire.”
This revelation didn’t phase Madison much. She was in love with Edward Cullen and he seemed pretty cool. She was confused about one thing however. “If you’re a vampire, why didn’t you fight back? You could have killed Victor!”
Shellie grimaced, “I could have ripped him to shreds, I should have, but he attacked me from behind and used a paralytic of some sort. My powers were useless after that. Us vampires are not meant to feel any emotion, but that night I felt something…embarrassment and a strong hatred for him. And now an innocent baby is gonna to be brought into this cold world…a world it didn’t ask to be brought into.”
“Do you know what you’re having?” Madison asked.
“No, because of my…circumstances, I can’t exactly go to the doctor and find out. I don’t even know when I’m due, but I know one thing- this baby is coming soon. I’m not a doctor but it’s been almost 10 months since the attack. Do you know what you’re having?”
Madison shook her head, “Nope not a clue, but I kinda like the suspense of it all. At first, I didn’t want anything to do with this baby but now, I dunno, I’m kinda warming up to the whole thing.”
Shellie smiled, “well I’m really happy for you. I’m trying to feel some type of emotion, but I don’t feel anything. I just hope I’m capable of loving it.”
Madison smiled and got up from the table, “Shellie, trust me, if you don’t feel anything now, you will when you see your child for the first time! Those feelings will develop, I just know it!” With that, she said goodbye to Shellie and made her way over to the hospital for her final prenatal appointment.
Lanya met Madison at the hospital. She was adamant about being at each appointment to make sure the baby was “ok.” Secretly, she just loved seeing her little grandbaby growing from the inside. She was sure she saw some of her features in the baby, but there would be no telling until the baby was born.
Soon enough a doctor entered the examination room, “Hello Mason family! I’m Dr. Barajas and I’m a resident OB/GYN here. I’ll be replacing Dr. Cuoco.”
“Where is Dr. Cuco,” Lanya said, starting to panic.
“Oh, she actually gave birth a few days ago…a beautiful baby girl!” Dr. Barajas beamed.
“I didn’t even know she was pregnant,” Madison smirked. Imagine that…
“She probably wasn’t showing much the last time you were here,” Dr. Barajas replied. “Believe it or not, there are actually 4 pregnant doctors at this hospital alone!”
How lovely…Madison thought to herself.
The examination was going as routine until all of a sudden the monitor charting the baby’s heartbeat started beeping wildly. “What’s going on?” Madison said alarmed.
“Ms. Mason, I need you to calm down if possible. The baby seems to be in some sort of distress. Usually this could be due to stress from the mother, or more than likely because they want to come out. After checking your cervix, I think it’s safe to say….this baby will be here by tonight.”
“TONIGHT?!?!” Madison screamed. “But I’m not ready to be a mom yet. I thought I would have a month to get ready. This is fair!” Big tears started to fall from her eyes.
Lanya rushed to her side, “Sweetie, don’t worry you’ll be fine. I promise.”
Dr. Barajas pushed a tray beside the bed, “Alright, well I’ll get an epidural started and I’ll also be giving you a medicine that will encourage labor in order to get the little tyke out sooner.”
“Sweetie, I’ll call your father,” Lanya said running out the door. She couldn’t believe this was happening.
By the time Charles got to the hospital, Madison was in active labor. "Dad!” Madison gasped as he ran over to her bed.
“Honey, how are you? How’s the pain? Doc, are you giving her something for the pain?” he rambled.
Dr. Barajas walked over and said, “Yes, Mr. Mason. Madison is being given top of the line treatment. In fact she seems pretty close to delivering. If you would just excuse me to check her dilation again.” Charles moved beside Lanya as the doctor motioned for Madison to move towards the edge of the bed.
Madison winced in pain as the doctor was checking her cervix. Her parents winced as if feeling the same pain. The doctor simply said, “Oh dear.”
“Oh dear?” Charles, Lanya and Madison echoed.
'”Yes, Madison you are completely dilated and well, the baby’s head is crowning. That means, a couple good pushes and the baby will be here in no time!”
Her parents sighed anxiously as they watched the doctor gear up for the delivery. Dr. Barajas positioned herself and said the simple command, “Push”. Madison pushed, then pushed again and then pushed again. She pushed consistently for 10 minutes, although it felt like hours. She wondered how many times she would have to push before her baby would finally enter the world….